Pinterest Marketing vs Social Media Marketing for Travel Bloggers

As a travel blogger, you might be wondering whether to focus on Pinterest marketing or social media marketing. Maybe you’re using both but not seeing the results you want. As a Pinterest manager who also maintains an Instagram presence, I want to share my experiences to help you figure out what works best for you.

Let’s break down the differences between Pinterest and social media marketing, and see how they can benefit your blog.

Table of Contents:

  1. Introduction
  2. Pinterest Marketing for Travel Bloggers
  3. Social Media Marketing for Travel Bloggers
  4. Which Marketing Method is Better?
  5. My Personal Experience
  6. Creating a Cross-Platform Loop
  7. Instagram and Pinterest Integration
  8. Making the Most of Both Platforms
  9. Final Thoughts

Pinterest Marketing for Travel Bloggers

First things first: Pinterest isn’t actually a social media platform. It’s a visual search engine, which makes it perfect for travel bloggers. Here’s why:

Visual Content Showcase

Pinterest is all about visuals. It’s the ideal place to show off your travel photos, videos, and any other eye-catching content you create.

Traffic Driver 

Because Pinterest functions like a search engine, it’s great for driving organic traffic to your website. When someone searches for travel tips or destination ideas, your pins can pop up and lead them to your blog.

Long-Lasting Impact 

One of the best things about Pinterest is how long your content can stay relevant. A single pin can continue driving traffic to your blog for months or even years. It’s not like Instagram or TikTok, where your post might be forgotten after a few days.

Planning and Inspiration Hub 

Pinterest users often use the platform for planning and getting inspiration. This is a great opportunity to get your content in front of people during their travel planning stage. While they’re reading your blog post about travel tips or location recommendations, you can earn money from display ads on autopilot.


As an introvert myself, I find Pinterest to be much more comfortable than other platforms. I can show up consistently without the need to constantly post reels or videos of myself. My content can shine without me constantly being in the spotlight.

Unique Audience Reach 

Pinterest offers access to a unique audience that might not be present on traditional social media platforms. Many Pinterest users prefer this platform for its focus on ideas and inspiration, rather than personal updates. By using Pinterest, you can reach potential readers who may not be active on Instagram, Facebook, or Tiktok, expanding your audience beyond typical social media users.

Social Media Marketing for Travel Bloggers

Now let’s look at social media marketing. This includes platforms like Instagram, Facebook, and TikTok. Here’s what you need to know:

Community Building 

Social media is great for building a community around your brand. You can interact directly with your followers and create a more personal connection.

Real-Time Sharing 

Social media allows you to share updates and content in real-time. This can be great for sharing immediate travel experiences or time-sensitive information.

Diverse Content Formats 

From Instagram Stories to Tiktok Live, social media platforms offer various ways to present your content. This allows you to connect with various types of followers.

Engagement Focus 

Social media marketing requires more active engagement. You’ll need to regularly interact with your followers, respond to comments, and possibly create more frequent content.

Trend Participation 

Social media moves fast, and participating in trends can give your content a quick boost. However, this often means creating content on-the-go or adapting quickly to new features.

Which marketing method is better for travel bloggers?

Honestly, both can be effective. It really depends on your goals, your content style, and where you feel most comfortable showing up.

Pinterest is great for:

  • Driving long-term traffic to your blog
  • Showcasing visual content
  • Reaching people in the planning stages of travel
  • Passive marketing (pins can continue to perform long after you post them)
  • Introverts who prefer less direct interaction

Social media is good for:

  • Building a personal brand
  • Real-time engagement with your audience
  • Sharing diverse content types (photos, videos, stories, etc.)
  • Participating in current trends
  • Collaborating with other creators or brands

My Personal Experience

As someone who leans towards introversion, I find Pinterest to be a better fit for my style. I can show up consistently without the pressure of constantly creating reels or appearing on camera. On Pinterest, one well-designed pin can continue to bring traffic to my blog for a long time.

I’ve also found that Pinterest is great for the long game. It takes time for your pins to gain traction, but once they do, the lifespan of a pin is so much longer than a viral TikTok or Reel that dies off after a few days.

That said, I don’t completely ignore social media. I use it more sparingly, focusing on quality over quantity in my posts and interactions.

Creating a Cross-Platform Loop

Here’s something many bloggers overlook: you can create a powerful loop between Pinterest and your social media platforms. This strategy can help keep your audience engaged across multiple channels. Here’s how it works:

  1. Pin to Social Media: When you create a new pin on Pinterest, you can link it directly to your social media posts instead of your blog. This works great for Instagram, where you can’t include clickable links in regular posts.
  2. Social Media to Blog: In your social media post, include a call-to-action that directs viewers to the link in your bio, which leads to your blog.
  3. Blog to Pinterest: On your blog post, include Pinterest-friendly images that visitors can easily pin, bringing them back to Pinterest.

This loop keeps your audience moving between platforms, increasing engagement and giving them multiple ways to interact with your content.

Important Note: This cross-platform strategy should complement, not replace, your regular pinning strategy. Continue creating pins that link directly to your blog posts, as these are crucial for driving traffic to your site. The cross-platform loop is an additional technique to expand your reach and engage your audience across different channels. Use it alongside your main pinning strategy for best results.

By using both approaches, you’re maximizing your Pinterest potential: driving direct traffic to your blog while also nurturing a broader, cross-platform audience.

Instagram and Pinterest Integration

Pinterest now offers the option to claim your Instagram account and set up automatic posting to your Pinterest account. While this might seem like a time-saver, I wouldn’t recommend using this auto-posting feature. Here’s why:

  1. Image Size Issues: Instagram images aren’t optimized for Pinterest’s vertical format.
  2. SEO Limitations: The titles and descriptions from your Instagram posts aren’t likely to be SEO-optimized for Pinterest.
  3. Lack of Customization: Auto-posting doesn’t allow you to tailor your content for Pinterest’s specific audience and format.

Instead of relying on auto-posting, it’s better to create Pinterest-specific content that’s optimized for the platform. This might take a bit more time, but the results are usually worth the effort.

Making the Most of Both Platforms

Here are some tips for using both Pinterest and social media effectively:

Create a Content Strategy 

Plan out your content in advance. This helps ensure you’re consistently posting on both platforms without getting overwhelmed.

Repurpose Content 

Use your blog content to create pins for Pinterest and posts for social media. You’ll save time and keep your message consistent on different platforms.

Focus on Quality 

Whether it’s a pin or a social media post, make sure your content is high-quality and valuable to your audience.

Be Consistent 

Set a realistic posting schedule for each platform and stick to it. Consistency is key for growth on both Pinterest and social media.

Track Your Results 

Keep an eye on what content resonates most with your audience on each platform. Let these insights guide you in tweaking your approach as you go.

Final Thoughts

As a Pinterest Manager, I’ve seen firsthand how effective Pinterest can be for bloggers. It’s especially great for travel bloggers who are constantly creating new content about different destinations and travel tips.

However, the best approach is often a combination of Pinterest and social media marketing, tailored to your specific goals and comfort level. If you’re struggling to see results on Pinterest or aren’t sure how to get started, check out my services page for more information about how we can work together to boost your Pinterest presence.

Don’t be afraid to try new things and discover what suits your style best. Your marketing strategy should align with your goals, your content style, and your personal preferences. Don’t be afraid to adjust your approach as you learn what works best for your blog.

What’s your experience been with Pinterest and social media marketing? I’d love to hear your thoughts!

August 5, 2024

Pinterest Marketing

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